The Thomas Fire Benefit Festival will be held on Feb. 3rd at Plaza Park. The goal of this benefit is to raise funds to assist deserving fire victims as quickly and directly as possible and help Ventura County recover from this historic travesty. 100% of proceeds from the Thomas Fire Benefit Festival will be put toward recovery. All fire victims can now register for a one-time monetary gift, the amount depending on the total money raised. Acts include: Olivia Newton John, Colbie Caillat, Kevin Costner and Modern West, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Rob Write, Zon Candela and Super Duper KYLE. Tickets are expected to sell out and we are expecting 6,000 people to our Downtown! There will be special Parking areas for guest, but expect parking to be a premium on this Saturday.
Expect a big turnout for Thomas Fire Benefit Festival