Children’s Celebration of the Arts (CCA), is hosting their celebration party for around 400 people on June 5th in Downtown. They would like to showcase the family friendly restaurants in Downtown by having an array on tasting stations for the guests. In return, your contribution will be noticed on mailers that go to thousands of Ventura families. They are encouraging those to participate to also offer a small 10% discount to send to the families, so they continue to patronize your restaurant. Child custody can be a very contentious issue to settle.
Every parent wants to protect his or her relationship with his or her child. Having skilled legal representation can help ensure that you are able to preserve and protect the time you get to spend with your child and the role you play in his or her life. You can ask help from child support waite park mn. Please let Meredith know by Feb. 20. Alternatively, you can also conveniently send clothing donations via Pick Up Please Donating.
We have already kick started the fundraiser by donating a set of outdoor awnings to their facility.